Monday, February 15, 2016

Cutting of the Fields

If you have been to Green Meadows Preserve Bluebird Trail this week you can see that the park service is cutting the tall grass in the fields. We always weed eat around the poles and perches, but I would like to offer a BIG Thank You! to Jerry of the Park Service for his added effort to cut around the poles and perches with the small mower to keep them safe from the big tractor and bush hog.

The Friends of Green Meadows Preserve Board is working with the Parks to try and work out a schedule to cut the fields at the very best time to benefit the Birds and Butterflies, so we can maximize the flowers and insect food source.

As some of you have seen that we are planting fruit bearing Trees/Shrubs at a number of the Nest Boxes already to help with the food source by producing berries during the Fall/Winter season.

We still have a number of these that can be sponsored by Garden Groups, Hiking Groups or individuals. The sponsorship is $100.00 that pays for the Shrub/Tree, the materials needed for planting the trees and a portion of the sponsorship goes toward the Bluebird Trail to help with the cost of maintaining the trail and the feeding of the birds during the nesting season with Dried Mealworms.

Spring March 20th, 2015
Summer June 21st, 2015

Most of you know where the "Tree of Life" is located on the Bluebird Trail. She is located on the right hand side of the trail after you go around the bend. She is beautiful at all seasons, but I thought it would be nice to see her in all four seasons side by side.

Autumn/Fall Sept. 23rd, 2015

Winter December 22nd, 2015
If you have been out to the Trail lately you will see that she is still in her winter look. It want be long until we will need to weed eat under her large canopy, so we can make clean for spring and people to set under her limps for a rest while working in the gardens and park.

For those of you who have not been on one of my  Bluebird Trail Walk and Talk Tours. She is a Southern Red Oak and she is 170 years plus old. If only she could only talk, can you imagine all the stories she would have to share with us. Being pre-civil war and all the people who have farmed the land around her and all the stories that have shared by people setting under her shade while taking a rest from the HOT sun.
Green Meadows Preserve Park
Bluebird Trail
"where birds come to life" 
25 Bluebird Nest Boxes and 10 Feed Stations have been
sponsored by Friends of the Bluebird Trail and placed along the 2.3 mile short trail, there are
additional trail's at longer distances for hiking within the 112
acres of open pastures and meadows. The sponsorships have helped with the support
and feeding of the birds and has helped to grow the at risk Bluebird population.
3780 Dallas Highway
(At Dallas Hwy and Old Hamilton Rd)
Marietta, GA 30127
Thank you for being a part of the conservation solution!

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