Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Welcome To First Day of SPRING 2018!

Seems like it has been a long time coming with all the rain and changing weather patterns, but it is hear. The First Day of Spring 2018! The Birds have been busy scouting out the Nest Boxes and trying to decide which house they wanted for their very own this spring.

The Tree of Life is coming awake with her new buds and growth. She is 182 years old today, as we gave her a Birthday of the 1st day of Spring.

Come join us on one of our Walk and Talk Tours during the coming months. Green Meadows Preserve where Bluebird come to life!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

This Is Our " Seventh " Nesting Season!

March is the beginning of a new nesting season. If you have Bluebird Nest Boxes in your yard, now would be a good time to check them and make sure they are cleaned out and ready for someone to move in.

Come join us on the Green Meadows Preserve Bluebird Trail and learn more about our project and the success we have had over the past six years.

Dates and Times
March 10th, April 7th, May 12th
(All Times: Saturday morning 10am - 12:00pm
For questions: Call Jim B (cell) 404-202-8755 or jimbearden@bellsouth.net
Follow us at the Bluebird Trail Blog http://bluebirdtrail.blogspot.com/