Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Not sure how many more 90 degree plus days we can stand of this weather. It is the baby birds and Eggs in the Nest Boxes that I worry about.

This Bluebird couple made a nest in one of the 
mealworm feeders. This one way of being close
to a food source!

Try to think of cooler weather for the Fall and plan to come join us for one or all of our Bluebird Trail Walk and Talk Tours. Bring a Friend or Neighbor with you!

This is a good shot of the open field trail someone took and posted on 
Friends of Green Meadows Facebook page. Thanks!

I hope you are enjoying the latest Eagle Scout Project that was completed in June.

would like to leave you with this message and quote from an article I read in the MDJ. The best way to slow and reverse climate change is to plant a Billion Trees!

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