Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The End of Nesting Season Has Come and We Are Into Fall Already!

The Tree of Life as it looked on the first day of Autumn 
Wednesday September 23, 2015. She continues to be a beautiful and amazing tree no matter which season it is. She is a beautiful focal point along the Bluebird Trail.

I would like to say a heart felt Thank you! To all the people who come out for the Walk and Talk Tours that we conduct throughout the year, we have had amazing success with the number of people who continue to show up for the tours.

A big Thank you! To all the friends of the Bluebird Trail, those who help me with the many choirs that are needed to be completed to insure the birds have a successful nesting season.

And to all the wonderful people who continue to make donations to the Bluebird Trail, some I know personally and some I have yet to meet. Your support and contributions help in offsetting the cost of feeding and caring for the birds throughout the year. Without your help it would be very difficult to carry on this beautiful project. Thank you!

The four stages of the Eastern Bluebird Nesting Season: They can have one to four broods during a successful Nesting Season. The Nesting season is mid February to mid to late August.

The building of the perfect nest using pine straw.
 The laying of the eggs, the female lays anywhere from 3 to 6 eggs, 3 to 4  for each brood is more the norm. 

 The busy time of the parents feeding the new hatched baby birds twice an hour each for 19 to 21 days. The dedication of the parents is unbelievable to watch.

The continued feeding of the young fledglings for 30 days after they have left the nest. That is the amount of time it takes for the new fledglings to learn to feed themselves. It is fun to watch the young birds setting on the feed stations, waiting for the parents to feed them the dried mealworms.

As Recorded With NestWatch For The 2015 Nesting Season, A Summary

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology

  32 - Total Nest Sites

  57 - Total Nesting Attempts

216 - Total Eggs

186 - Total Young

186 - Total Fledglings

210 - The Total with the results of Six additional Nest Boxes to be added to the NestWatch family for 2016.

We welcome your attendance at one or all of our educational series,
"Bluebird Trail Walk and Talk Tours"

 Fall - 2015 Dates and Times:
Oct. 17th, Nov. 7th and Dec. 19th
(All times: Saturday morning's 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon)
Be sure to wear comfortable shoes for walking the 2.3 mile trail.
For questions: Call Jim B (cell) 404-202-8755 or jimbearden@bellsouth.net 
Green Meadows Preserve Park Bluebird Trail, Where Birds come to Life!
Thanks for joining us along the Trail.....Jim B