The Tree of Life...A grand southern lady
Tree of Life (the name we gave her) is located just past Nest Box # 3 along the Bluebird Trail. She has now put on her winter look, by dropping all her leaves and taking on gray of the season.
She is such a beautiful and grand southern lady. As a Southern Red Oak she takes on a different look for each of the four seasons and has stood watch at Green Meadows Preserve for over 150 years. If only she could talk to us...can you imagine the interesting stories she would tell?
Her time spans from the civil war where soldiers might have sat beneath her limbs for a bit of rest from the harsh summer sun to the tough years of drought and loss when this area was an active farm. I imagine sweet love has shared secrets and embraces beneath her gracious canopy. The stories, the people, the good times and the bad are all a part of the Tree of Life. She offers a great place to come for quiet thoughts and listening. Try it some time, you will be amazed at how welcome she makes you feel.

I have a great product for the outdoor person, gardener, hiker or those people who travel often through airports and public places with lots of germs and bacteria. My good friend Dr. Kirk and the sponsor of nest box # 2 has developed this amazing hand softening gel called fiteBac Skincare that kills bacteria. The product is petroleum free - alcohol free and cost-effective..."A little bit goes a long way". Online price is $12.95 for 3.0 OZ size, and our price is $10 for the same size with all sales proceeds going to help support the Bluebird Trail. I use this product myself when I am on the Bluebird Trail checking Nest Boxes during nesting season, it helps with killing bacteria on my hands, it also helps with keeping insects off during the summer.

This all started when I had a problem with ants climbing the poles and getting into the nest boxes. I met Dr.Kirk on the Bluebird Trail one morning and talked to him about this. He donated some fiteBac for me to use to treat the poles and it stopped the ants from climbing. He has donated a number of cases to the Bluebird Trail for us to sell with the proceeds going to help support and feed the bluebirds. Please give me a call if you are interested. 404-202-8755
My helper Daisy
If any of you have seen me working along the Bluebird Trail most of the time my good friend and helper Daisy has been by my side. Daisy is our family dog that showed up on our street, on my birthday 3 years ago with many health and social problems. She has come a long way in these past 3 years and is great company when I am working along the trail. Green Meadows Preserve is one of her favorite places to walk!
Tours and nest box building coming soon!
We will be establishing and publishing the dates for our next Talk and Walk Tours for the Bluebird Trail, as well as the date and time of our Nest Box building session. This will serve as one of our fund raising projects for the year. The dates and times will be in our next blog. We hope to see many of you at Green Meadows Preserve this year.
Green Meadows Bluebird Trail, Where Birds Come to Life!
Thanks for joining me along the Trail .....Jim B
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