Welcome to the Blue Bird Trail Blog!
A little bit about how this all started...
Late last spring after watching the beautiful birds out at the Green Meadows Community Garden and reading about the sad demise of the blue bird habitat and dwindling population, I thought about creating a safe place for birds to nest. As a kid, I liked watching bluebirds and saw them often while growing up on our farm in Alabama.
My wife Kathy aka KC, and I were at the Master Gardener plant sale and tour where we purchased our 1st blue bird nestbox with the idea that we would place it on a fence post at the garden.
Blue birds everywhere! That's what I told KC when I went out a few days afterwards. They were already scouting out the new digs and thinking about nesting. How exciting. Within a week we had a lovely couple move in. They brought twigs, grasses, pine needles and an assundry of materials to decorate their home!
Soon afterwards, the nest not only included Mom and Dad but also 5 brilliant blue eggs. Incubation time is about 12-14 days. We watched and waited patiently for our little nestlings to hatch. I carefully monitored and checked the nestbox for activity while trying not to scare the parents.

Just about the same time the little babies hatched...the idea of a trail at the preserve did too! Hiking the trail is great...nature around every corner and plenty of open fields and spaces that would be perfect for blue bird nest boxes! And so it began.
As the days grew warmer, things were heating up in the nest box as the little brood grew and activity did too! We wondered, when will they fly? When will they try? One day - out they went! 5 little blue birds with Mom and Dad nearby.
You will often see them all hanging near the original place...lighting in the trees and enjoying the nearby bird bath and gardens.
With the counties approval of the trail we started sharing the idea of nest box sponsorship and now have 20 sponsored. The cedar boxes are identical and all built by George Burkett. I add numbers. names, posts and predator guards to keep them safe. The trail will be complete by this spring...just in time for the househunting season!
In February and March the males start scouting their new nesting places. Of course, the female makes the final decision! :) We look forward to welcoming many new families to the bluebird trail this year and also hope to see you. We will add posts, tours, activities and volunteer opportunities soon so please check back often.
Thanks for your support and interest! Happy Trails...
Jim B.
I have so enjoyed watching the bluebirds whenever I come to the garden. It is so nice to see someone with such a passion take action to increase their numbers. It restores the faith in humanity that one person can truly make a difference. Kudos to you Jim and KC!
Thanks pack-rat! I am so happy you are enjoying seeing the Blue Birds around the garden. Just think, if we have the same success as we had with the Nest Box # 1 last year we will have 5 x 20 = 100 new Blue Birds hanging around the garden picking insects off our plants. They can have two to three broods each year. It is going to be a happy Blue Bird year. Look for the Blue Bird Trail Tour date for the Green Meadows Community Gardener group to be posted soon.
Jim B Bed # 34 & 35
Can't wait to take a tour of the trail. I have never been back in there! See you at the garden workday!
David and I are thrilled to be a part of this. We look forward to seeing Nest Box 12 and the trail.
Thanks Harriett, looking forward to showing you and David the Bluebird Trail on Monday March 25th. Thanks for your post.
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